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How is the EXANI-II graded?









发表于 2024-3-7 17:07:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

All the information on how the EXANI-II is graded The Ceneval National Entrance Exam (EXANI-I) is one of the most important university admission exams in the country. If it is your turn to take it this year, in this blog we will clear up all the doubts you have about how the EXANI-II is graded , which areas are most important and what score you must achieve to be admitted. What areas does the EXANI-II evaluate? The new EXANI-II is made up of three sections: Basic abilities. Specific knowledge. Mastery of English. Although in principle the area of ​​English proficiency is only diagnostic in nature, which means that these reagents will not have any validity for entering university, there are some schools that decided to take it into account, such as in the UV exam . However, the rest of the universities will only use this information for educational purposes.

Because you will have four hours for 168 questions Mexico Mobile Number List we recommend that you answer the areas that do count first and spend the last few minutes on the English part. Learn more about the structure of the EXANI-II reagents and discover how prepared you are to present it through the following free Unitips diagnosis . Here you will find questions from the basic skills section with the same level of difficulty . New call to action What is the Ceneval ICNE score? Unlike other admission exams, the EXANI-II is not measured through correct answers , but rather establishes a scale of scores that ranges from 700 to 1,300 . This scale is known as the Ceneval Index or ICNE . Therefore, obtaining 1,300 points is equivalent to having 100% of the correct answers in a section, while 0% will obtain 700 points.

Look at the following table. successes-ceneval The EXANI-II is designed so that candidates achieve half of the points on the exam. Hence, the results cannot be classified as “passed” or “failed” , but rather each score is reported to the educational institution and it determines, based on other factors, which applicants will be admitted . However, it is important to remember that the higher the score you get, the better your chances of staying. Start studying today with material 100% focused on your exam at Unitips. New call to action How do I know how many correct answers I had in the EXANI-II? Applicants who present the EXANI-II will receive an individual results report , where they will be able to know both the global score , which is the total score of their exam. Check this example: EXANI-II-report-results Additionally, they will be able to review the specific score for each section , as well as the percentage obtained in each section.

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